Google Chrome is the world’s most popular browser.
So give your internet experience a jolt of fresh energy with these easily overlooked features, options, and shortcuts for Google’s browser.

5 Things You Didn’t Know Chrome Could Do :
1. Use themes to customize Chrome

Themes let you update the browser interface to something a bit more snazzy. By going into settings and selecting Themes under the Appearance category, you can select from hundreds of different designs – some free, some paid for–.
2. Create different user accounts for greater privacy

In Chrome, you can set up separate browsing accounts by clicking People in the Chrome menu at the top of your screen and adding a new user. This is useful for creating different profiles for your family, as well as others who might occasionally use your device.
3. Beat your friends’ high scores with the running dinosaur!

The dreaded “no internet connection” screen looks innocent until you notice the dinosaur’s blinking eyes. If you press spacebar your prehistoric friend will jump in the air and the page will open into a endless runner that’ll keep you entertained until the internet comes back to life. Or not. Who cares? You’ve got a high score to beat. Play now by typing chrome://dino into the Omnibox.
4. Do math right in the Omnibox

If you need a speedy answer to a math problem, type it into the URL bar (the “Omnibox” as Google calls it), and the answer will appear in the suggestions box below. It’s not going to replace your calculator or solve differential equations, but as a ready reckoner, it’s a handy tool.
5. Delete your entire browsing history with one shortcut
Whether you’re shopping for birthdays or planning a surprise trip, there are times when you’ll want to keep your browsing history secret. Chrome makes this very easy with a shortcut that takes you just one click away from deleting cookies, temporary internet files, images, and pages. Just hit Ctrl+Shift+Delete, choose what you want to remove (and from when), and you’re left with a clean slate.
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