So if you’re unlucky enough to be involved in a car accident, here are the steps you require to take to deal with it fast and easily :
Determine the Extent of Damage or Injuries
The first thing to do is check to see if anyone needs urgent medical care ( safety first ). Then If you can, try not to move the car except if they are making a major problem with traffic. but Of the best, If possible wait for the police before touching anything.
Contact The Police
Remember to contact the Police even in a minor accident, because it is important to make sure there is a legal accident report. and Failure to do so could result in a fine, penalty points or even disqualification.
Limit Your Discussion about the Accident with the Other Party
It is important to limit your conversation of the accident and not to admit any fault or liability. You should only talk about the accident with the police and medical professionals and your insurance representative. and Avoid telling sorry or accepting blame for the accident until you know exactly what happened as it could count against you later on.
Take Pictures
If you happen to have a camera in your car, or a cell phone, you should take pictures of the cars if there is visible damage. If you have visible injuries, you should photograph them as well.
Contact Your Insurance Company
Call your agent or insurance company's emergency claims number immediately. If you can call them from the scene, it may be even more helpful. Sometimes a police officer can supply your insurance company more accurate information than you can at the time because you are confused by the accident.
and remember You should always inform your car insurance company about an accident, even if you don't want to make a claim.
How to File Your Car Accident Claim
Your insurance agent or the person who you speak to at your insurance company claims phone number, will be able to walk you through how to file your claim after an accident. If your insurance company has an app, you may also have the option to start the claims process there or visit your insurance company website to see if you can fill in the information or follow up on your claim online.
Your role in the car accident is to get the facts and not get involved in any extra conversation. If the other party tries to get you to admit fault or suggests you handle things without insurance, collect the information and do not commit to anything. You need to get the information important to report the accident, especially considering that in many states you have a legal obligation to report a crash. You can contact your state insurance commissioner or your insurance representative to ask them about the specific laws in your state.
Remember at the scene of an accident you do not know the person you are dealing with, you do not know what kind of insurance they have or any of the details, so stick to the facts to protect yourself and make sure you get paid in a claim.
Source: thebalance.com,pixabay.com