There are many facts about men that statistics don’t tell us. On average, women live longer than men all over the world, men spend about a year of their lives looking at women, and they lie twice as often as women. In this article, we figured out what is true and what is false.
We at bastion news decided to tell you about 11 interesting facts. We hope you’ll like them.
Men bend over to pick up an object.
Have you ever noticed that men pick up a fallen object by bending over it while women squat? Of course, not everyone does it this way, but this behavior is typical for most people.
Perhaps this is because women often wear uncomfortable clothes (short or tight), which means they have to squat. Men are less likely to be restrained by clothing, so they can easily bend over.
Men like women with a healthy weight.
Blanca Ortega-Roldán Oliva from the University of Granada proved in her research that men prefer slim women who look healthy. We don’t mean those who don’t cough or have a fever but those whose weight looks healthy.
This means that men are attracted not by some mythical ideal of beauty or girls of exclusively model appearance who weigh the same as a feather but by women whose weight and growth are correlated normally.
Men are trying to attract the attention of a girl if they keep their thumbs on their belt.
When a man wants to show a woman that he is interested in her, he involuntarily takes a pose that demonstrates that he is courageous and strong. Usually, a man holds his thumbs hooked to the belt of his pants.
A similar ritual appeared in ancient times when there were no belts or pants in existence. Males trying to win a female pointedly gestured to their crotch. Nowadays, such a gesture would be indecent, but we still have its echoes: when a guy holds his hands on the belt, his hands still point to his crotch.
Men prefer compliments from other men
There is an opinion that men accept compliments from the opposite sex with pleasure. But, in fact, they are more pleased with compliments from men. And sexual orientation does not matter here.
Robert Herbert from Binghamton University proved that people accept compliments “smoothly” and give thanks for them only in 30% of the time. And in the case of a man receiving a compliment from another man, it will likely be perceived as something pleasant and increase his self-esteem.
Men are friends through their interests.
Ronald E Riggio, PhD, wrote an article that analyzed the research on friendship among women and men. As a result, he came to the conclusion that friendship between men is mainly based on common interests.
They prefer to play football, golf, tennis, or poker or watch the matches of their favorite team together with their friends.
Female friendship is mostly based on emotions and support. Women choose friends who are “emotionally united” with them.