What You Need To Know About Metabolism :

Are you having a problem dropping pounds? The solution to weight loss success may be understanding what is metabolism and how your metabolism really works.

Are you having a problem dropping pounds? The solution to weight loss success may be understanding what is metabolism and how your metabolism really works.

What is Metabolism :

Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms.

The three principal purposes of metabolism are the transformation of food to energy and power to run cellular processes; the conversion of food/fuel to building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates; and the removal of nitrogenous wastes.

These enzyme-catalyzed reactions enable organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures and respond to their environments.

in another meaning, metabolism. It's the way our cells change the food we consume into the energy and power we need to breathe, move, think, and sleep. 
Metabolism keeps us, as it keeps all living creatures, alive.

And Metabolism can be conveniently divided into two categories:

  1. Catabolism: the breakdown of molecules to obtain energy
  2. Anabolism : the synthesis of all composites needed by the cells

How Does Metabolism Work?

You might think that the metabolism process is Complicated, but is not. 
You Should know We’re always burning energy, even when we’re dreaming. There are two chemical processes that take place for metabolism to happen, catabolism and anabolism, which are regulated to remain in balance. To put it simply:

Catabolism: the breakdown of molecules to obtain energy
Anabolism : the synthesis of all composites needed by the cells

The Related Between Metabolism And Weight 

As we said Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms. including tissue repair, digestion, breathing, thinking, laughing, activity, etc. 
All of these metabolic processes require energy, and this energy is measured in calories.

There is some average calorie requirement based upon a person's body weight and activity level, but every person's metabolism is different. In order to manage body weight and have enough energy for exercise, it's helpful to understand your unique daily caloric requirements.
These different requirements can be broken down into:

Resting Metabolic Rate: Unless you are an Olympic or professional athlete or train constantly, about 70% of the calories you burn each day are used to maintain the essential life processes mentioned above. This is called your resting metabolic rate (RMR). RMR is the number of calories your body will require to keep alive if you just sat on the couch all day.
Activity Calorie Requirements: If you don't just sit on the couch all day, you will burn additional calories through movement, activity, and exercise. For many of us, this makes up about 30% of our total daily calorie expenditure.
Weight gain is a complicated process. It's possible a combination of genetic makeup, hormonal controls, diet composition, and the impact of the environment on your lifestyle, including sleep, physical activity, and stress.

All of these factors result in an imbalance in the energy equation. You gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn — or burn fewer calories than you eat.

Some people seem to be able to lose weight more quickly and more easily than others, everyone loses weight when they burn up more calories than they eat. To lose weight, you need to create an energy deficit by eating fewer calories or increasing the number of calories you burn through physical activity or both.

Facts About Metabolism :

Here are 10 truths about metabolism that may just be the keys to unlocking your healthy weight :

1- Eating More Protein May Boost Your Metabolism.
2- It's Really About Your Resting Metabolic Rate or RMR.
3- Metabolic rate changes with age.
4- Healthy Metabolism Promotes a Healthy Mind.
5- More Muscle Equals Higher Metabolism.
6- Men Tend to Have a Higher Metabolism.
7- Vitamin D May Play a Role in the Process.

Source: 1-2-3


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